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Schweizer Errungenschaftsbeteiligung und deutsche Zugewinn­gemeinschaft bei internationalen Sachverhalten – Charakteristika und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Art. 216 ZGB

Since over 300 000 German nationals live in Switzerland, numerous Swiss have settled in Germany and many Germans own assets in Switzerland and vice versa, cross-border situations between Switzerland and Germany are not uncommon. This article provides an overview of Swiss matrimonial property and inheritance law compared to German matrimonial property and inheritance law and pays particular…

Testamentarische Schiedsklauseln – (beschränkte) Auswirkungen der IPRG-Revision

Since January 1, 2021, arbitration clauses in unilateral legal transactions, and thus testamentary arbitration clauses for international and national arbitration proceedings, are expressly permitted. The present article deals with possible effects of this innovation on the formal and material admissibility of testamentary arbitration clauses, in particular with the requirements of validity and…
Lic. iur. Barbara Lautenschlager LL.M., Rachel Pawlik M.A. HSG in Law
successio 1/2023 | p. 103

Das Erbrecht Brasiliens – Eine Übersicht

This article sets out how estates with an international connection are administered from the point of view of Brazilian law. In addition to comments on substantive inheritance law, its procedural enforcement and the regulation of in­heritance and gift taxes, the author also deals with the related legal issues of international procedural and private law.
Dr. iur. Beat W. Rechsteiner LL.M.
successio 2/2022 | p. 163

Die Stellung eines personal representative in der Schweiz

According to inheritance law in common law jurisdictions, the estate is, in the event of inheritance, typically transferred to a so-called personal representative. The following article now discusses the legal status of such a person from a Swiss legal perspective. The article differentiates between estates that are processed abroad and those that are processed domestically, and refers to the…

Das neue Rechtsinstitut der Erbstiftung in Russland – Ein Überblick

Russian inheritance and foundation law is in a state of upheaval. After the inheritance foundation was introduced as an estate planning tool on September 1, 2018, the establishment of a private foundation «intra vivos» shall also become possible on March 1, 2022. This article examines these new legal institutions and places them in the context of inter­national private law. In particular, the…
Prof. Dr. iur. Dominique Jakob M.I.L., Ass. iur. Inga Abramova, Dr. iur. Claude Humbel LL.M.
successio 4/2021 | p. 315

Die Revision des internationalen Erbrechts – Bestandesaufnahme und Postulat

The article discusses the current draft for the revision of international succession law. The main objective of the revision is anallignment with the legal developments in the European Union. This revision, which is aimed at harmonization, will be examined in the article as to its effectiveness. Also discussed is the possibility of regulating the international law of succession by international…